Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Scared Of Being Hurt

Well, I think this post is quite important to clarify my true feelings on this matter. I don't think I can ever get over the past of being hurt... I wonder. I was overly hurt one time, and then I began to close down completely, whether in friendships and relationships.

I used to be a social butterfly, hopping from one group to another in case it messed up, so i was quite popular at one time. But POPULARITY pays a price.. HUGE price...

Well, probably the first one you will get is gossip, then after that the issue of secrecy (the really REALLY popular ones). Hmm, well you get other stuff such as jealousy (I've heard of that one before from other friends and through my own observations)

Mmm, okay I think Im going off topic. 

Reasons I am scared of being hurt is because:

1. Being bullied before.
2. Scared of same incident happening again (bullying)
3. Being backstabbed before (aye I know it hurts :( )
4. Dont trust guys (Being played before *ouchie*)
5. The list is on and on ... ETC etc etc

Closing off the topic now. Thankies for reading peeps! Please walk in more often. I appreciate my blog view counts. I really do :)


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