Monday, June 1, 2009

*Studying vs Surfing*

Am not in the mood for studies -.-"
Exams next week... next wed and thurs...
Why am i still blogging here?
Coz... well.. it doesnt take u 5 mins to post right?
(and it take you more than 50 mins to get a chap of accounting done ~.~" )

Weather's horrible
Recently has gotten this piano craze...
and also dancing craze (not counted since i dance all da time anyway... XD)

I need study craze mood... which.. obviously never attacks me...
Stress mode is now currently about 20 to 30 percent
Relax mode about 70 to 80 percent ( 100 - 70 = 30 XD )

Im looking forward to holz after june 10.. then its PARTY TIME PEOPLE!!
Lol.. am goin to like hang out with friends in super 'play and enjoy' craze mode..

See ya guys!! ^^


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