Tuesday, January 13, 2009

~New Year's Resolution... Umm? ~

I will definitely not pretend to say that its always tough trying to fulfill ur new year's resolution.... So my 2009 new year's resolution is...
*clears throat*.... *ponders* *grimaces*... alright here goes

1. Work harder in my CAT exams...
2. Lose lots and lots of weight... (Damn but I'm always fat)
3. Try to improve my piano (Sight reading sucks)

So? Typical huh? Everyone's new resolution is definitely to study hard... getting better results.... lose weight (for girls) and then... o well... a resolution isnt called a resolution if its easy to achieve... another year has gone by and i believe im getting old *screams* .... lolz... just joking.... what i dont get is some ppl think im still in secondary school... others think im already 20++? and already working? Weird... lolx.... i am saluting amy for managin to keep her nose intact *grins* i did read ur blog amy.... u better take lots and lots of rest... i expect to see a very healthy.. bubbly... and cheerful amy by da next time i see you my dear fren... hahahah... (obviously u're the only few ppl that even BOTHER to read my blog) lolx... Speaking of which amy >>>>>>>>>>>> UPDATE YA BLOG!!
XD... sorry i din mean to scream... *grins mischeviously* I know i dont have time to do that either so i cant blame anyone that doesnt update their blog.... will write about the trip to new zealand during xmas some other time... so lazy to upload pics too... (and i look fat in those pics so i will delay those pics as long as i can XD)

Last piece of advice to everyone.... no matter what ya all are doing... do it well... remember its important to have a goal in life... dont float around... we're all gettting old.... lolx... so thats all... see ya XD


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