Saturday, November 5, 2011

~ Entertainer's Night~

Hmm.. Alright yaw... There's nothing much to say I guess...

I ain't gonna post any pics or anything.. so I guess this post is gonna be pretty boring.. doubt any friends would be dropping by to see mah blog... 

Lets see.. my last post was in aug.. its nov... Almost end of 2011.. 

Well... I am MIA (Missing In Action) for some time now... The only people I see is the people I see and come in touch with is the peeps in the dance studio... Evon, Decole, Ivelyn.. and the others... Speaking of which... I went for entertainer's night last night.. It was held at Crown Square... It was ... well... entertaining I should say... but I kinda felt outta place because it felt like a nightclub... Plus the bands singing were... maybe I don't like rock music lol.. But Chillies (Cheryl them) did put on an excellent show... Yup... Hotties.. I think the camera crew couldn't get enough of them... 

I did rather felt out of place, but Decole (my dance instructor) did try to comfort me... hahah.. I must've looked a lil bit scared... ><" His first sentence was: Why are u so boring? You're supposed to get high with the crowd... *Feeling annoyed* Me >> Opened my mouth to protest... "First time here... Don't feel comfortable..." "Its alright.. anyways... tonight... most of the entertainment world people are here.." Yeah... I could see that... I saw all sorts of night life people last night.. It was really smoky man... But I guessed I got used to the noise and smoke after awhile..

At around 12 AM... Gotsoul blasted down the stage with their popping crew ... Keo, Bernard, CJ and Wu Jun.. Man.. That was really awesome... I screamed till hoarse.. lol... I think that was the only thing that made me high the whole night... Keo is really a great entertainer... I wasnt the only one that screamed... It wasn't that the audience screamed to support him when he freestyled... it was just that he really knew how to get the crowd going... Yea... Plus he does motivate me sometimes in studio during dance class when I feel moody or demotivated to dance.. Yupz... owe u one Keo... =)

I guess lots of things happened yesterday... Hahha... Well... At least I managed to drag myself out of the house... Get to have some activities.. lol...

Well..  I support Soul Dance!! You guys motivate me to do better yaw!! One day I'll be as good as u guys... Nice to have someone to look up to...



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