Friday, June 17, 2011

Recent Happenings

Today is Melvin's birthday..... I ain't got no pictures so I am not gonna post any. I keep going out with Gideon and Melvin recently... yup.... but why do I think there is a darker side of... nevermind. I ran into Decole today, and he greeted me, so I was kinda surprised, well, get to see him in dance class tonight too.

Recent happenings.... well... sorta 'reconciled' with one of my other drama club friends... called up another friend and she just had a hairdo... somehow I just feel that my hair colour is not light enough, its really too light....

Hung out with Luther, Gid and Gid's younger bro for lunch, then talked to Mel after that with Gid at Tabuan. I kinda doubt anyone will seriously read my blog though...

Made friends with a girl named Keryn at dance studio, she's a sweet girl :) Really like her.

Let me see... anything else? Well this week I went out with old primary school friends at Spring starbucks, talked lotsa crap... hahah... Kel and Sze.... nice meeting up with u guys... Sorry I forgot to pass u your KL souvenir... 

Gid and Mel came to my house several days ago too to cook and clean, I cooked lamb steak and Gid cooked fries, and Mel cleaned up. It was overall okay... I meant my steak ><"

Lastly... was browsing through facebook and found out that CJ had a new blog a.k.a half his and half Soul Dance blog.... so decided to post it in fb... hahax....

Anything else? Yeah... club exhibition next week and I still havent figured out what to sell... plus I'm in charge of decorating two clubs' notice board, my own, ACCA club and the drama club... Phew... busier than ever... After my exam become even busier...

Um... um.. umm.. what else have I left out? Oh yeah... I am gonna enroll for new subjects next sem... should be either F9 or F7... yupx.... 

Okay that about sums everything all up... oh yeah. Going to Los Angeles on 25th June!! Oh yea here I come! *Woots* Going there for 10 days... Lucky me... *jigs*

Em... okay thats all. (I think) *scratches head and falls deep in thought* Yeah. Thats definitely all. Hope I don't bore you at all readers. Have a pleasant day and drop a comment if u feel like it :)

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